Sticky Note A7
Sticky Note A7
Kemang Store
Gedung Kemang 10 Lantai 1, Jl. Kemang Raya No. 10A Bangka
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta 12730
Dimension: 102 x 76 x 10 mm
Material: MD Paper
Content: 80 sheets
MIDORI Sticky Note A7 is made with MD Paper, identical to the paper used in many Midori notebooks.
The paper is cream-coloured, comfortable for eyes and note-taking.
Dimensi: 102 x 76 x 10 mm
Material: MD Paper
Isi: 80 lembar
MIDORI Sticky Note A7 terbuat dari kertas MD, kertas yang dipakai di banyak notebook merek Midori.
Kertas berwarna krem, tidak membuat mata cepat lelah.